Please follow the main Import Guide before going into this one.
So, you got your data from Spotify! Let's get to importing it via the website.
Getting started!
To get started, extract the files as the website only supports uploading separate files as of writing this article. If you need help extracting a zip file, please check the following YouTube video.
Time to import
When you have your extracted files ready, go to, login and select the "Import a new file" button. Then, select your first .json
file. You have to upload files one by one.
After clicking selecting the file, your file will be sent to the servers to be processed. This can take a few minutes. In the meantime, you can upload the rest of your files.
Does the site say that the uploaded file is not a valid file? Check this article.
Once your streams have reached the servers, they need to be processed. Duplicate streams will be filtered out, and there will be a lot of calculations made for each stream in order to save it securely in the database. This can take a while. Depending on the amount of streams and the amount of people importing their streams at once, just a few seconds or up to a couple of hours. You will receive a notification from the app regarding the status of each uploaded file.
File import failed? Please attempt to upload the errored file(s) again.
You're done!
Congratulations! You can now view your full listening history, play count, and much more. Your future streams will be synced to the database automatically.
Keep in mind that it may take some time for all streams to be fully imported on all of our servers and therefore it may take some time before they are visible in the app or website.